Healing Request

pranic healing


One goes through various pains and sufferings, be it physical, psychological or spiritual. Many a time, we are not able to be free from them even after varied and repeated efforts. It is at that time that we look for an intervention from a higher source or the Divine. Sahaayata will be able to help you with a Divine Healing drawing the energies from the Cosmos to find a solution or mitigate the suffering.

All that you have to do is to contact us and place your healing request. We shall give you a distant Healing. We shall also include your request for a healing session in our daily prayers offerings at the Sahayata Prayer and Meditation Centre. Please be assured that your request to heal you is being forwarded to the concerned team which channels the healing sessions to the higher planes transcending human levels seeking Divine intervention.

During this healing request, please retain clarity on the healing solution that you need. Feel with gratitude the cure that you fervently and passionately seek. Visualise the condition of perfect health in which you would like to be after the healing session and the joy with which you move around on receiving the healing from the Divine. Express your gratitude for having received the healing.

Call our Helpline or Online Request